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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Star - Polaris


Name: North Star - Polaris
Type: Star
Distance from Sun: 470 light-years
Color: Blue-green
Size: 5,000 times larger than Earth
Magnitude: 2,500 times greater than the sun
Special features: Situated directly above Earth's North Pole.

Navigating by the Star

Because the North Star is brighter than neighboring stars and always visible above the horizon, it helps sailors, navigators, and explorers find their way. Long before the invention of the compass, the North Star was used to find directions. When you face it, you're facing north. Accordingly, south is behind you, east is to your right, and west is to your left.

How to Find the North Star

The North Star is part of the constellation Ursa Minor (the Little Bear). It is usually easy to find with the help of the stars of the Big Bear and Cassiopeia. Even though it isn't as bright as Sirius or Vega, it stands out because there aren't many bright stars in its vicinity.

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